Archives for October 2, 2014

Maureen is back at Mirabai October 3

Maureen is back at Mirabai October 3, Friday. You will find me doing Readings in the lovely back room at Mirabai from 12:30 – 6 PM on Oct 3 and every Friday through mid December. Just look for my sandwich board sign outside the bookshop pointing the way. Book your session with me at the front counter […]

Let’s Enjoy the Spring!

Let’s enjoy the Spring! What are we waiting for? Life is here and now. This is not a dress rehearsal. So let’s get out and have some fun. Life is full of challenges and opportunities for growth. It can get very intense at times working through our issues as spirit beings having a human experience. In seeking […]

Intuitive Readings with Maureen Brennan Mercier

Intuitive Readings with Maureen Brennan Mercier by phone or in person are based on your questions. The specific questions help us both to focus our intention on what you want guidance for in your life. At the beginning of the Intuitive Reading I go into a meditative state. Then I pray and ask Spirit to allow me to be a […]

Drumming is Healing

Drumming is healing for the body, mind, emotions and spirit. Drum circles have existed for thousands of years. Healers and shamans around the world have used this jewel for self discovery to bring about healing on all levels of our being. All you need is a drum, your hands and a willingness to express your […]

Channeled Message for June 2012

This is a Channeled Message for June 2012 that I just received and I would like to share it with you. “Stay focused in your heart space. The heart is the healer, the purifier. Breathe into your heart and let it gently expand. Release all that is unlike love and just let it go. Love […]

Co-Create in the Universe

Co-Create in the universe knowing that we are Divine beings of love and light. Our birthright is to manifest our intention through our words, actions and our work in the world. In order to co-create in the universe we need to surrender to God. Then our ego is out of the way. Spirit is now in charge of our […]

Remember our Daily Prayers

  Remember our daily prayers as they are an important part of our spiritual practice. When we pray we are talking to God while meditation is listening to God. Daily prayers help us to honor our spirit by consciously aligning with the Source within us through the direct communication of prayer. There are many ways to pray. […]

Practice the Daily Practices

Practice the daily practices on a regular basis to support yourself on the spiritual path. Our spiritual path is a journey of the soul where you need to have essentials in order to traverse the trail with ease. Practice the daily practices beginning with the breath, prana or life force energy. Begin your day by taking […]

Working The Miracle

  Working the miracle is about asking for what we want, surrendering to God and taking action in the world. The Universe has our back, so to speak, by loving and supporting us in creating our highest good. The key is to trust that truth, let go and put forth action in the world in […]

God Answers Prayers

Lumina Dei Newsletter    February 2011 Dear friends God Answers Prayers and supports what is best for us. Prayers are conversations with God. When we talk to God asking for what we want it is important to know and believe that God is benevolent, guiding us to our highest potential. We are Divinely creating in partnership […]