Archives for September 23, 2011

Autumn Equinox

Autumn Equinox is a powerful time when there is a balance between day and night, light and darkness. As we enter the sign of Libra we are also reminded of the scales symbolic of that balance. The time to focus inward connecting to our soul is now during the Autumn Equinox. This inner journey continues […]

Healing the Broken Heart

Healing the broken heart is a multifaceted process that takes patience and self care. The first step is to acknowledge that indeed our heart is broken whether it is through the death of a loved one, a relationship ending or a betrayal in a close relationship. Once you acknowledge the pain and embrace the experience […]

Your Intuition Is Unlimited

Your intuition is unlimited as God speaks to you through the inner voice or intuition. In the silence you are able to hear the guidance when you still the mind. God is unlimited, therefore your intuition is unlimited. You are a child of Goddess who has access to spirit’s wisdom. Your higher power always guides you to […]

Divine Mother

  Divine Mother is the embodiment of the Sacred Feminine energy. In the Roman Catholic Church the Divine Mother is Mary, the mother of Jesus, also known as the Blessed Mother. Divine Mother Mary’s qualities are unconditional love, compassion, mercy, strength, patience, forgiveness with accessibility to all in need. As a child I was raised […]