Archives for September 27, 2011

Intuition Always Guides Us to What is Best For Us

Our intuition always guides us to what is best for us. This truth I believe as I trust in God who loves us unconditionally. Our intuition is the still small voice of Goddess within that always guides us to what is best for us. In other words, God has our back and wants us to […]

Using Affirmations

  Affirmations are positive statements of truth. We all know truth as it resonates within us. Through our thoughts we are always creating. So let’s remember to create consciously by using affirmations. What we focus on we create more of since energy flows from intention. Using affirmations assists us in specifically focusing our intention on […]

Express Your Creativity

Express your creativity by first acknowledging that you are a Divine being of love and light. The Goddess is within you whether you are woman or man. That natural vibration of the Sacred Feminine is creativity itself. So many of my clients feel that they are not creative at all. Yes you are creative. Simply […]

Channeled Message for May

Dear friend, This is a Channeled Message for May that I received and I would like to share it with you. “Be who you truly are: perfectly human and perfectly Divine. For it is in the knowingness of the truth of your being that you are set free from the endless cycle of duality. From the […]

Feel The Inner Joy

Feel the inner joy when it arises from within you. It can be experienced as the result of an experience in the world that inspires happiness. It can also occur for no apparent reason at all. Recently I have had many experiences where I feel the inner joy for no apparent reason. I paused in […]


Surrendering to Spirit in the moment is a powerful jewel for self discovery. It is a conscious act of letting go of control and letting God be in charge of all our affairs. It takes awareness, strength and courage to get to the place of putting our lives and our problems in Spirit’s hands on a […]