Order “Collaboration in Spirit” CD gift wrapped for the Holidays. Your loved ones on your Christmas list will be so happy that you did. It’s as simple as clicking here to order the CD and to listen to a sample of each piece. Please add the loved one’s name and address that the CD gets shipped […]
Caregivers Need Self Care
Caregivers need self care. Self care and self love go hand in hand. Whether you are a relative, friend, professional caregiver, therapist or healer it is imperative that you practice positive, healthy self care. Giving to others begins with giving to yourself first. Caregivers need self care. Your body, mind, emotions and spirit need to be treated […]
Maureen is at Mirabai Sunday Oct. 19 & 26
Maureen is at Mirabai Sunday Oct. 19 & 26 . You will find me doing Readings in the lovely back room at Mirabai from 1 – 6 PM on these 2 Sundays and every Friday through mid December from 12:30 – 6 PM. Just look for my sandwich board sign outside the bookshop pointing the way. Book […]
Maureen is back at Mirabai October 3
Maureen is back at Mirabai October 3, Friday. You will find me doing Readings in the lovely back room at Mirabai from 12:30 – 6 PM on Oct 3 and every Friday through mid December. Just look for my sandwich board sign outside the bookshop pointing the way. Book your session with me at the front counter […]
Autumn Equinox 2014
The Autumn Equinox 2014 occurs today September 22. Day and night are equal as the sun shines directly on the equator during an equinox. It is a powerful time when there is a balance between light and darkness. As we enter the sign of Libra we are reminded of the scales symbolic of that balance. Ancient monuments such as […]
Happy World Peace Day
Happy World Peace Day! This special day is also known as International Day of Peace. It was made official by the United Nations (UN) in 1981. Several nations, political groups, military groups, and spiritual groups observe World Peace Day. The most powerful way to celebrate World Peace Day is to go within and access peace through intention. “Let […]
Maureen is back at Mirabai September 19
Maureen is back at Mirabai September 19, Friday. You will find me doing Readings at Mirabai from 1 – 5 PM on Sept 19 as I continue to heal from my surgery. Then I will be back for my regular Friday gig October 3 and every Friday from 12:30 – 6 PM. Just look for my […]
Maureen is Available for Channeled Readings
After taking a few weeks break for surgery and time to heal I am gratefully back to work. I am available for Channeled Readings, Reiki Healing, Reiki Classes and Meditation Groups. Channeled Readings with Maureen Brennan Mercier by phone or in person are based on your questions. The specific questions help us both to focus our intention on […]
Healing After Surgery
Healing After Surgery starts by slowing it all down in our daily life. Healing is a process that takes time and patience. It is important to be able to receive while our body is getting back to wholeness. My surgery, of the feminine kind, was last week and all went well. I am home now […]
Grieving for a Dying Friend
Three years ago I wrote the original article as my dear friend was dying of cancer. This is my tribute to her once again. The journey of grieving for a dying friend has begun for me. It all began early last month when I heard that my friend Debbie’s cancer had returned. Another friend Chris and I […]