Let’s Forgive Ourselves

Let’s forgive ourselves completely. The act of self forgiveness helps us to let go of the past and sets us free to live in the moment. This is essential on our spiritual paths as we continue to evolve and heal. The Oxford English dictionary defines forgiveness as such: “to grant free pardon and to give up all claim on […]

Let’s Enjoy the Spring!

Let’s enjoy the Spring! What are we waiting for? Life is here and now. This is not a dress rehearsal. So let’s get out and have some fun. Life is full of challenges and opportunities for growth. It can get very intense at times working through our issues as spirit beings having a human experience. In seeking […]

Saturdays at Lily Boutique in Woodstock

Come see Maureen for your Reading on Saturdays at Lily Boutique in Woodstock on the Green. Nurture your Sacred Feminine in the beautiful air-conditioned shop in the center of Woodstock NY. Tiny the owner of Lily Boutique created an amazing shop that carries beautiful, unique apparel, accessories, gifts, organic chocolate and more! On Saturday afternoons starting […]

Spiritual Salon with Maureen at Mirabai of Woodstock

Spiritual Salon with Maureen at Mirabai of Woodstock is on Thursday April 17, 7-9 PM. Mirabai of Woodstock 23 Mill Hill Road Woodstock, NY 12498 Open daily 11-7 PM To register for this event call Mirabai  @ 845-679-2100. $15 if registered and prepaid by April 15 $20 if registered after April 15. A spiritual salon is a […]

Melt into the Arms of Goddess

This Channeled Message that I received over a year ago expresses the return to our heart energy and the Sacred Divine Feminine. We are who we have been waiting for. This is a new beginning for all of humanity where the Divine Goddess leads us within our hearts. This channeled message is the first track of my beautiful […]

How to Create a Meditation CD – Steps 1-4

How to create a Meditation CD. Let’s begin with feeling the calling, the inspiration to create a Meditation CD. You have a choice to answer the call with a “yes” or a “no”. I said “yes” in the summer 2012 and I am so happy that I did. It doesn’t matter that we do not […]

Qualities of the Divine Feminine

The  Qualities of the Divine Feminine is associated with Universal Motherhood, Holy Mother, Mother Earth and the Divine Self within. In order to be whole we need to balance the male and female within us and in the universe. We do that by honoring the Divine Feminine. What is the Divine Feminine? What is the Divine […]

Let’s Honor Our Body

Let’s honor our body especially now that we are in the midst of the long winter. After the usual excesses of this season it is time to get back to our routine and daily practices to bring more balance in our body and in our lives. Moderation in all things is key here. There are many […]

Caregivers Need Self Care

Self care and self love go hand in hand. Whether you are a relative, friend, professional caregiver, therapist or healer it is imperative that you practice positive, healthy self care. Giving to others begins with giving to yourself first as an act of self love. Caregivers need self care. Your body, mind, emotions and spirit need to […]

Collaboration in Spirit Center February Calendar of Events

Collaboration in Spirit Center February Calendar of Events   “Relax in the Catskill Mountains on sacred land. Feel centered and nurtured as you journey within.”   Maureen Brennan Mercier Maureen is available for: *Intuitive Readings based on your questions. *Private Meditation Classes *Reiki Healing Sessions *Reiki I, II, III Classes *Consultations on How to Create a CD *The […]