Intuitive Readings with Maureen Brennan Mercier by phone or in person are based on your questions. The specific questions help us both to focus our intention on what you want guidance for in your life. At the beginning of the Intuitive Reading I go into a meditative state. Then I pray and ask Spirit to allow me to be a […]
Thanksgiving 2013 – Let’s Count Our Blessings
It’s Thanksgiving 2013 – let’s count our blessings. For many of us Thanksgiving reminds us of family visits and turkey dinners with loved ones. It is a time to reconnect. Thanksgiving is a time to focus on gratitude. Let’s count our blessings such as the people and things that we appreciate in our life. This is a good time to make gratitude a […]
Kindness Matters
Kindness matters. To be kind involves the quality of being warm-hearted, considerate, compassionate and gracious. It is the willingness to do good, kindly acts to help others in need. The source of kindness is an inherent benevolent nature that expresses sympathy and gentleness toward others. It comes naturally from an open heart that is concerned for the […]
Into the Arms of Goddess
This Channeled Message that I received almost a year ago expresses the return to our heart energy and the Sacred Divine Feminine. We are who we have been waiting for. This is a new beginning for all of humanity where the Divine Goddess leads us within our hearts. This channeled message is the first track of my beautiful […]
Imagery for Healing
Imagery for healing is a simple way to relieve stress, ease pain in the body and co-create in the world. Imaginal exercises are very simple, taking only a few minutes. Imagery is a very powerful jewel for self discovery. Our mind is a powerful tool to create in the world. We create through our thinking and our imagination. Imagery is […]
Day of the Dead 2013
This time of year in the Autumn we celebrate the Day of the Dead 2013 especially in Mexico and by Latin Americans in the US. It is also know as All Souls Day on November 1 and the Catholic holiday All Saints Day on November 2. The Day of the Dead is a time for family and friends to come […]
Collaboration in Spirit Center November Calendar of Events
Collaboration in Spirit Center November Calendar of Events “Relax in the Catskill Mountains on sacred land. Feel centered and nurtured as you journey within.” Maureen Brennan Mercier Wed November 6 Spiritual Salon w Maureen 7-8:30 PM $20 Guided meditation, channeled guidance for the group, ask a personal question – […]
Qualities of the Sacred Feminine Goddess
The qualities of the Sacred Feminine Goddess are associated with Universal Motherhood, Holy Mother, Mother Earth and the Divine Self within. In order to be whole we need to balance the male and female within us and in the universe. We do that by honoring the qualities of the Sacred Feminine Goddess. What is the Sacred Feminine? What is […]
Reiki Healing Case Study
The Reiki Healing Case Study that I will discuss here in this article involves a man in his forties who came to me for a Reiki Healing session a few years back. My client had symptoms resembling mononucleosis. The doctors were not exactly sure what his problem was, he told me. This was frustrating for him and he simply wanted healing as soon as […]
Living with Pain Daily
Living with pain daily is quite a challenge for each of us on this planet. None of us are exempt from experiencing pain whether it is in the body, mind, emotional body or spirit. It matters not whether you are poor, rich or middle class for pain is part of the human condition. What we do with […]