It’s June – enjoy Mother Nature! Look around you and receive the beauty of Goddess Gaia that is so freely given. It doesn’t matter whether the sun is shining or the rain is falling. The eyes are the doorway of the soul. You feed your soul through impressions. Drink the beauty in and heal. It’s […]
June 4 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
June 4 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 4:12am PST in Sagittarius. The energy of this eclipse is helping to block our past. This assists us in seeing where we presently are in our life. Then we are called upon to let go of all that is not who we really are inside through intention. A Lunar […]
Channeled Message for June 2012
This is a Channeled Message for June 2012 that I just received and I would like to share it with you. “Stay focused in your heart space. The heart is the healer, the purifier. Breathe into your heart and let it gently expand. Release all that is unlike love and just let it go. Love […]
Sacred Feminine Energy
The Sacred Feminine energy is associated with Universal Motherhood, Holy Mother, Mother Earth and the Divine Self within. It is also called the Divine Feminine Goddess. In order to be whole we need to balance the male and female within us and in the universe. We do that by honoring the Sacred Feminine energy or Feminine Goddess. As […]
Solar Eclipse May 20, 2012
Solar Eclipse May 20, 2012 @ 4:47 PST. 7:47 EST in Gemini. Eclipses are about sudden change. The energy of a Solar Eclipse is powerful. It is the coming together of the Solar, masculine energy with the Lunar, feminine energy that builds to a peak. When the two power points are at the same longitude […]
Everyday is a New Day
Lumina Dei Newsletter May 2012 Dear friend, Everyday is a new day to begin again. With the dawn of each day we have the opportunity to make a fresh start. Yesterday is over. There is no tomorrow. So let’s focus on the now moment The errors of yesterday are behind us as long as […]
In The Zone
According to the Urban Dictionary in the zone is an “expression used to describe a state of consciousness where actual skills match the perceived performance requirements perfectly. “Being in the zone implies increased focus and attention which allow for higher levels of performance. Athletes, musicians and anybody that totally owns a challenge of physical and […]
Choose Forgiveness
Choose forgiveness is another jewel for self discovery. The Oxford English dictionary defines forgiveness as such: “to grant free pardon and to give up all claim on account of an offense or debt.” When we choose forgiveness we let go of resentment, anger, bitterness and vengeful thinking. We are then set free to live as the child of God that […]
Use Your Intuition
Use your intuition as it is the wisdom within from our Divine self. We are all intuitive beings whether we are aware of it or not. Intuition is a natural ability from Source that we are able to tap into. It is available to assist us in living our life more consciously with intention and fulfillment. When you […]
Supermoon in Scorpio
The Supermoon in Scorpio May 5, 2012 is tonight at 11:36 EDT where the full moon is closest to Mother Earth. This moon is 14% larger and 30% brighter than most full moons. Some are calling this the “Super Duper Moon.” This Supermoon in Scorpio is intensely transformative. The moon rules emotions. Scorpio is about […]