Channeled Message for May 2012

I received a Channeled Message for May 2012 and I would like to share it with you here: “Be. Be who you already are: perfectly human and perfectly divine. There is no separation between you and God. You are ONE. Celebrate your oneness with God the Father and Mother Goddess. You are loved and cherished by […]

Co-Create in the Universe

Co-Create in the universe knowing that we are Divine beings of love and light. Our birthright is to manifest our intention through our words, actions and our work in the world. In order to co-create in the universe we need to surrender to God. Then our ego is out of the way. Spirit is now in charge of our […]

Occupy Wall St. May Day General Strike

Occupy Wall St. May Day General Strike is happening Tuesday May 1, 2012 across the US. NO WORK – NO SCHOOL – NO SHOPPING – NO BANKING – NO TRADING THE PEOPLE OF THE PLANET WILL TAKE TO THE STREETS May Day Noam Chomsky (awarded Sydney Peace Prize), Reader Supported News 29 April 12 “If […]

Healing with Imagery

Healing with imagery is a simple way to relieve stress, ease pain in the body and co-create in the world. Imaginal exercises are very simple, taking only a few minutes. Imagery is a very powerful jewel for self discovery. Our mind is a powerful tool to create in the world. We create through our thinking and our […]

Being Grateful

  Lumina Dei Newsletter   April 2012 Dear Friend, Being grateful to me means waking up and being happy for all my many blessings. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, the trees are pale green with new blooms. I feel grounded in Goddess Gaia by her grace that surrounds me. As a new […]

Connect to Goddess Gaia

We connect to Goddess Gaia by being present with the Sacred Feminine Goddess of planet earth. Using all of our senses, letting go of our thoughts and just being in the stillness of nature is all it takes. Walking in the woods, swimming in the ocean, hiking a mountain or picnicking in a meadow are ways to connect […]

What are Channeled Messages?

  What are Channeled Messages? Channeled messages are messages that come from a higher source such as angels, spirit guides and ascended masters like Jesus, Mother Mary, Kwan Yin and Archangel Michael. The person receiving the message, the channel, needs to have an open heart and an open mind. It is important to get out of […]

Healing Power of Friendship

Healing power of friendship is what I am so grateful for. Friends are one of the most powerful assets a human being could have. Life is challenging on this planet. With loving friends who have our back we know that we are not alone in the world. With the healing power of friendship we have a […]

Channeled Message for April 2012

This is a Channeled Message for April 2012 that I first received back in 1983 when I started channeling. I was guided to give you this message today. It is so appropriate for these times now as we are ascending as beings of light. “Remember who you are. You are a Divine Being of Love and […]

Reiki Healing Basics

  “Reiki…being a Universal force from the Great Divine Spirit, it belongs to all who seek and desire to learn the art of healing” Hawayo Takata Reiki (pronounced “ray-key”) Healing is an ancient Japanese hands-on healing art.  It is a method of healing that is considered a form of bodywork.  As an energy medicine Reiki supports healing the body, […]