Healing Power of Reiki

Healing Power of Reiki is the second of several articles on Reiki Healing. My intention is to demonstrate how powerful this ancient Japanese energy medicine is as a hands-on healing tool for facilitating balance and wholeness in the body. Healing power of Reiki brings balance and wholeness in body, mind, emotion and spirit. As a Reiki Master Healer […]

Honor Your Body the Temple

Honor your body the temple especially now that we are celebrating the New Year 2012. After the usual excesses of the Holy Season it is time to get back to our routine. Our daily practices help us to bring more balance in our body and in our lives. Moderation in all things is key here. There […]

Comfrey Leaf Herbal Infusion

Comfrey Leaf Herbal Infusion is my next article on how to make herbal infusions. My other herbal infusion articles are about Nettle Leaf and Oat Straw and their nutritional benefits. I have always been interested in herbs to improve my health and well being. My resources for herbal information have been from articles, my friends and Susun Weed, […]

Affirmations for 2012 New Year Resolutions

Affirmations for 2012 New Year resolutions are a simple yet powerful tool to help bring in the New Year. These affirmations will help to support the powerful changes that we are co-creating now as we enter 2012. Affirmations for 2012 New Year resolutions can be added to our spiritual jewel box to use on a regular basis to help […]

Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice is the day when the Earth’s axis is tilted the furthest away from the sun. It is the shortest day of the year and the longest night and the first official day of winter. Ancient cultures elaborately celebrated the Winter Solstice with faith that the Sun would return and the days would begin to […]

Channeled Message for December 2011

A Channeled Message for December 2011 has been given to me and I would like to share with you. “Remember who you are beloved ones. You are Divine beings of love and light. Your essence is love. You are here to live love unconditionally in every moment. It is easy to love those who are […]

Power of Forgiveness

  Forgiveness is another tool or jewel for self discovery to assist us on our spiritual journey to enlightenment.  The Oxford English dictionary defines forgiveness as such: “to grant free pardon and to give up all claim on account of an offense or debt.” Forgiveness is also about letting go of resentment, anger, bitterness, limiting beliefs and vengeful thinking. […]

Christmas Miracle Story – Healing Power of Love

This is my Christmas Miracle Story – Healing Power of Love that I shared back in December 2004. I am sharing it here again with you. Lumina Dei Newsletter #4  December 2004 Christmas Miracle Story Dear Friend, Each Christmas I love reading stories or watching movies that are inspiring. I am so grateful and honored to be able […]

Remember Your Daily Prayers

Remember your daily prayers. They are an important part of our spiritual practice. When we pray we are talking to God while meditation is listening to God. Remember your daily prayers as they help us to honor our spirit by consciously aligning with the Source within us through the direct communication of prayer. There are many ways to […]

Spirit of Christmas

  Lumina Dei Newsletter December 2011 Dear friend, What does the Spirit of Christmas mean to you? What is the true essence of this holy season? How do you want to celebrate the holidays from your authentic self? Is it just about shopping for gifts for your loved ones? Does it mean going into debt in order to […]