Practice of Meditation

  Spring is fast approaching as we focus on new beginnings. What rings true for me is to focus on the basics in my life such as the practice of meditation. Meditation is a power tool or jewel for self discovery in that it helps us to connect with our higher power, the source within us. […]

Channeled Messages

Channeled messages are messages that come from a higher source such as angels, spirit guides and ascended masters like Jesus, Mother Mary, Kwan Yin, Archangel Michael, to name a few. The person receiving the message, the channel, needs to be open hearted and open minded. Getting out of the way and allowing the guidance to […]

Let Go and Let God

  Let Go and Let God is a powerful slogan reminding me to surrender to Source. It may seem like a simple message but it isn’t easy. It helps to bring awareness to the intention to let go and let God. Moment to moment each day I need to remember this simple jewel for self […]

Life as a Mystic

Life as a mystic for me is a gift and a challenge both. It is a journey of awakening to who I truly am, loving myself and developing my personal relationship to God, Goddess. Moment to moment unfolding the truth from within is part of the process. Sometimes it flows and I feel ecstatic as I […]

Divine Creating – Free College Education

Divine Creating – Free College Education is the second in a series of  stories that demonstrate how the universe creates through us. We are always manifesting through our thoughts, so let’s remember to create more consciously with intention. In Divine creating we focus our thoughts and intention on co-creating positively in union with God. Sharing this story, Divine […]

Honor Your Emotions

Honor your emotions is another article in a series of posts called Jewels for Self Discovery. Jewels are about simple tools to use on your spiritual path to self awareness. Honor your emotions by allowing your emotions to flow in the moment without judgement. We are not our feelings. Emotions are neither right nor wrong, they are […]


  “Love, love, love thyself, then the loving, the giving unto others will be with ease, as an overflow.” Channeled by Maureen God is LOVE. We, being the children of God means that we are LOVE made manifest in flesh. Our essence is LOVE itself. We are here to live LOVE unconditionally in every moment. […]

What is Reiki Healing?

“Reiki…being a Universal force from the Great Divine Spirit, it belongs to all who seek and desire to learn the art of healing” Hawayo Takata Reiki (pronounced “ray-key”) Healing is an ancient Japanese hands-on healing art.  It is a method of healing that is considered a form of bodywork.  As an energy medicine Reiki supports […]

God Answers Prayers

Lumina Dei Newsletter    February 2011 Dear friends God Answers Prayers and supports what is best for us. Prayers are conversations with God. When we talk to God asking for what we want it is important to know and believe that God is benevolent, guiding us to our highest potential. We are Divinely creating in partnership […]


Intuition is the wisdom from within from our Divine self. We are all intuitive beings whether we are aware of it or not. Intuition is a natural ability from Source that we are able to tap into. It is available to assist us in living our life more consciously with intention and fulfillment. Intuition is […]