Reiki I Self Healing is easy and simple to do. You can lie down, sit up, be at home or be just about anywhere. All you need is your hands and at least a Reiki I certification which includes an attunement and class instructions. Whether you have just had surgery, or are feeling run down, […]
Practice Meditation Daily
Practice meditation daily for it is a powerful tool and the first step to the conscious awareness of our Divine self. As we reach the place inside of inner peace we access our own Divine wisdom. When we practice meditation daily we focus the mind on the breath. Then we are able to feel our own energy and spirit. The thoughts […]
Reiki Distance Healing Circle Mon August 5
Reiki Distance Healing Circle Monday August 5, 2013 11-12 Noon $15 Collaboration In Spirit Center Saugerties, NY 12477 Come join us on Monday August 5 from 11 to 12 Noon for Reiki Distance Healing Circle at Collaboration In Spirit Center located in Saugerties, NY 12477. Please call Maureen to let us know that you are coming and to […]
Collaboration In Spirit Center August Calendar of Events
Collaboration In Spirit Center August Calendar of Events “Relax in the Catskill Mountains on sacred land. Feel centered and nurtured as you journey within.” Maureen Mon August 5: Reiki Distance Healing Circle w Maureen 11-12 noon $15 Tues August 6: * Intenders w Johnny Angel 7-9:30 PM $20 * Open Channel Session w Maureen […]
Come to Lily Boutique in Woodstock
Come to Lily Boutique in Woodstock and nurture your Sacred Feminine in the beautiful air-conditioned shop. Located on the Green, in the center of Woodstock, NY, Tiny the owner of Lily Boutique created an amazing shop that carries beautiful, unique apparel, accessories, gifts, and more! On weekend afternoons you will see me on the front […]
Collaboration In Spirit CD Sample
Collaboration In Spirit CD sample is available on my website. Just click on the link below to hear the CD sample: It has been a wonderful co-creative process birthing this beautiful meditation CD with the creative musical genius Ferenz Kallos. Goddess guided our process beautifully and simply to completion. Listening to “Collaboration In Spirit” on a regular basis is […]
Collaboration In Spirit July Calendar of Events
Collaboration In Spirit July Calendar of Events “Relax in the Catskill Mountains on sacred land. Feel centered and nurtured as you journey within.” Maureen Tues July 16: Meditation w Maureen 7-8 PM $15 suggested donation Wed July 17: * Intenders w Johnny Angel 7-9:30 PM $20 *Open Channel Session w Maureen $20 ($30 […]
Come to Mirabai of Woodstock
Come to Mirabai of Woodstock! You will find me doing Readings at Mirabai from 12:30 – 6 PM every Friday throughout the summer. Just look for my sandwich board sign outside the bookshop pointing the way. Book your session with me at the front counter. Mirabai of Woodstock is located in the center of Woodstock: […]
Open House Collaboration In Spirit Center Sat July 13
OPEN HOUSE COLLABORATION IN SPIRIT CENTER Saturday July 13, 2013 10-5 PM Saugerties, NY 12477 Join Maureen at her new healing center: COLLABORATION IN SPIRIT CENTER Meet special guest Johnny Angel and hear about Maureen & Johnny Angel’s upcoming workshop on Sat July 20 – “Meet Your Angels.” Learn about upcoming classes, meditation groups and […]
Open House Collaboration In Spirit Center
OPEN HOUSE COLLABORATION IN SPIRIT CENTER Saturday July 6, 2013 10-5 PM Saugerties, NY 12477 Join Maureen at her new healing center: COLLABORATION IN SPIRIT CENTER Meet Maureen & Special guest Johnny Angel and hear about their upcoming workshop on Sat July 20. Learn about upcoming classes, meditation groups and Reiki Classes at the center. […]