New Beginnings – Just Moved back to NY

New Beginnings – just moved back to NY and I am excited. We are back in our house in the Catskill Mountains near Woodstock. It is country living at it’s best. Life is simpler here than life in Seattle. Yet we have the NYC influence from the artists, retail store owners, tourists and city transplants all […]

Let’s Enjoy the Summer!

Let’s enjoy the Summer! What are we waiting for? Life is here and now. This is not a dress rehearsal. So let’s get out and have some fun. Life is full of challenges and opportunities for growth. It can get very intense at times working through our issues as spirit beings having a human experience. In seeking […]

Do What We Love

Do what we love and let the Universe take care of the rest. The Divine supports us in being happy, abundant, healthy and creative. So let’s not complicate matters by over thinking things. Give self permission to do what brings us joy. When we do what we love we are in our natural flow of energy. Being […]

Feed the Divine Feminine at Gypsy Wolf in Woodstock

Feed the Divine Feminine at Gypsy Wolf in Woodstock by eating delicious Mexican food with friends. My soul sisters and I have been going to this funky restaurant since it first opened in 1990. Frozen margaritas, chips and salsa, black bean soup and grilled chicken salad are a few of the delicious items on the menu that […]

Let’s Be Positive

Let’s be positive in our thoughts, words and deeds. It is a matter of consciousness. Bring awareness to your thoughts. When they are negative just simply switch the thoughts to positive ones. We create through our thinking so let’s be positive and create consciously. Standing at the doorway of our mind is the key. It […]

Astrologer Janet Hickox Interviews Maureen Brennan Mercier

Excitedly I would like to announce that Astrologer Janet Hickox Interviews Maureen Brennan Mercier on Authentic You Radio Thursday May 23 at 4 pm PST. Janet Hickox is the host of the radio show “Living Astrology.” Years ago I was a guest Intuitive Reader at the metaphysical bookstore that Janet owned back then. She is a warm, loving, […]

Drumming is Healing

Drumming is healing for the body, mind, emotions and spirit. Drum circles have existed for thousands of years. Healers and shamans around the world have used this jewel for self discovery to bring about healing on all levels of our being. All you need is a drum, your hands and a willingness to express your […]

Be Willing to Forgive Self

Be willing to forgive self.  Willingness is the first step in forgiving ourselves. The act of self forgiveness helps us to let go of the past. This is essential as we continue to heal our past and move forward in our new life. The Oxford English dictionary defines forgiveness as such: “to grant free pardon and to give up […]

Process of Grounding in the Earth

The process of grounding in the Earth each day is an important part of our daily practice as a jewel for self discovery. We are spirit having a human experience on planet Earth. Our Divine self is expressed through our bodies in the material plane as we co-create. In order to be fully present we need […]

Available for Intuitive Readings

Intuitive Readings with me by phone or in person are based on your questions. The specific questions help us both to focus our intention on what you want guidance for in your life. At the beginning of the Intuitive Reading I go into a meditative state. Then I pray and ask Spirit to allow me to be a clear […]