We are Love

God is love. Since we are the children of God we are love made manifest in flesh. Our essence is love itself. We are here to live love unconditionally in every moment. Quite a challenge for us as humans here on earth. In order to meet this challenge it is important to balance our body, mind, emotion and spirit. […]

Stop Obsessive Thoughts

How do we stop obsessive thoughts? First we need to name those exaggerated, overwhelming thoughts that are usually based on fear. As a result of a close family member’s addiction I struggled with obsessive thoughts a year ago. The thoughts were rooted in the fear that my loved one would die of the addiction. I […]

Thanksgiving – Let’s Count our Blessings

It’s Thanksgiving – let’s count our blessings. For many of us Thanksgiving reminds us of family visits and turkey dinners with loved ones. It is a time to reconnect. Thanksgiving is a time to focus on gratitude. Let’s count our blessings such as the people and things that we appreciate in our life. This is a good time […]

Channeled Reading Session

When you set up an appointment for a Channeled Reading Session with me by phone or in person, I suggest that you write down your questions before the session. The specific questions help you to focus your intention on what you want guidance for in your life. At the beginning of the Channeled Reading Session I go into a meditative state. […]


VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! Today is Election Day. If you haven’t voted yet, today is the day. We the people hold the power in our hands. So use that power by voting NOW. VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! Tell your people to vote. Tell your mate, children, siblings, friends and family to get out and vote. Our lives do […]

Day of the Dead 2012

Lumina Dei Newsletter    November 2012 Dear friends, This time of year in the season of Autumn the Day of the Dead 2012 is celebrated especially in Mexico and by Latin Americans in the US. It is also know as All Souls Day on November 1 and the Catholic holiday All Saints Day on November 2. The Day […]

Gangaji “Loving Yourself is Inclusive”

I am not here to teach you what you should believe or how you should act. I am here to support you in your vigilance to this that is calling you in the depth of your being. Love yourself. Loving yourself is inclusive. You will not find anything that can be excluded from the vastness […]

Imagery as a Tool for Healing

Imagery as a tool for healing is a simple way to relieve stress, ease pain in the body and co-create in the world. Imaginal exercises are very simple, taking only a few minutes. Imagery is a very powerful jewel for self discovery. Our mind is a powerful tool to create in the world. We create through our thinking […]

Practice Meditation

Practice meditation for it is a powerful tool and the first step to the conscious awareness of our Divine self. As we reach the place inside of inner peace we access our own Divine wisdom. When we practice meditation we focus the mind on the breath. Then we are able to feel our own energy and spirit. The thoughts […]

Reiki Distance Healing Circle

Reiki Distance Healing Circle Thursday Oct 11, 2012  4-5:30 pm FREE  EastWest Bookshop 6500 Roosevelt Way NE Seattle WA 98115  Come join us on Thursday October 11 from 4 to 5:30 pm for Reiki Distance Healing Circle at EastWest Bookshop located at 65oo Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115. There is no need to pre-register for […]