Drink pure water. Our bodies are made up of cells which are 65-90% water by weight. Our brain is 80% water. It is essential to drink plenty of pure water daily to maintain good health and well being. In our New York house in the country we get to drink pure water from the well that gets purified through a […]
MYSTICAL WINDS HOLISTIC FAIR Sunday October 14, 2012 11am to 5pm Best Western Cascadia Inn 2800 Pacific Ave Everett, WA 98201 OLSON WALDER EVENTS Come see me at MYSTICAL WINDS HOLISTIC FAIR EVERETT on Sun Oct. 14, from 11 – 5pm. I will be available for Channeled Readings – 15 minutes for only $20. Relax, get […]
Sacred Feminine Goddess Kwan Yin
Sacred Feminine Goddess Kwan Yin is the embodiment of all qualities of the Sacred Feminine. She is also called the Mother of all Buddhas and the Chinese Divine Mother. The qualities of unconditional love and compassion are sought after by spiritual seekers around the world and people in need. These qualities are the same qualities of the Sacred […]
Intuition Guides Us
Our intuition guides us to what is best for us. I believe in this truth just as I believe in God who loves us unconditionally. Our intuition is the still small voice of Goddess. Intuition guides us to what is best for us. In other words, God has our back and wants us to be happy. In order to […]
Divine Feminine Grandma
Divine Feminine Grandma has the nurturing, patient, unconditional love energy of the Divine Mother. It is a deep, abiding love that knows no limitations serving as a foundation of trust, strength and endurance. In many ancient cultures the Divine Feminine Grandma raised the children, not the parents. Grandma personified wisdom, protection and stability for the child. Divine Feminine Grandma also embodies […]
Fall Fun Fair
Fall Fun Fair Saturday September 29, 2012 10am-5pm Swinomish Casino 12885 Casino Drive Anacortes, WA 98221 Come join me at the Fall Fun Fair. I will be available for 15 minute Intuitive Readings, where I received Channeled messages, for $20. Look for me at table #17. Relax and receive practical spiritual guidance in answer to your […]
Autumn Equinox 2012
The Autumn Equinox 2012 happens September 22. Day and night are equal as the sun shines directly on the equator during an equinox. It is a powerful time when there is a balance between light and darkness. As we enter the sign of Libra we are reminded of the scales symbolic of that balance. Ancient monuments such […]
Sacred Feminine Soul Sisters
Sacred Feminine Soul Sisters are those female friends who see us, love and accept us for who we are. They are our people who we can relax and be ourselves with. Our sisters do not judge us. Nurturing and healing our hearts are what our Sacred Feminine Soul Sisters do with ease when we are together. Even […]
Herbal Infusions
Herbal infusions are very easy to make and so good for us. I have always been interested in herbs to improve my health and well being. My resources for herbal information have been from articles I’ve read, my friends and Susun Weed, a world renouned herbalist. Our Saugerties, NY house happens to be down the road from Susun […]
Being in our Brilliance
Being in our brilliance means loving and embracing ourselves as the perfectly human and perfectly Divine beings that we are. It is about self love and self acceptance in each now moment. When we are being in our brilliance we are not holding back in any way that would dim our light. We are not […]