Braco in Seattle

Today my husband and I had the opportunity to experience Braco in Seattle at one of his gazing sessions. We drove just 5 minutes from our home to the Center for Spiritual Living who is hosting the program. The auditorium was filled with people who traveled near and far to be with Braco in Seattle. […]

New Beginnings – Just Moved Back to Seattle

New beginnings are happening here and now for me since I just moved back to Seattle from Saugerties, NY. This is a new season in my life as I received what I needed for my growth and healing these past three years of living in the Catskill Mountains. In fact everyday is a new day, […]

Sacred Feminine Grandma

  Sacred Feminine Grandma has the nurturing, patient, unconditional love energy of the Divine Mother. It is a deep, abiding love that knows no limitations serving as a foundation of trust, strength and endurance. In many ancient cultures the Sacred Feminine Grandma raised the children, not the parents. Grandma personified wisdom, protection and stability for […]

Channeled Message for September 2011

  A Channeled Message for September 2011 was given to me. I would like to share it with you here. “Be in the moment and breathe. Let go of fear, doubt, worry for they deplete your energy and set you up for more of the same – fear, doubt, worry. Hand all your concerns over […]

Loving Self Completely

  Loving self completely is an important practice on our journey of the soul. Love is a powerful energy that is within us and all around us as God is love. Loving self completely is an essential component for us to live as spirit beings. When we by-pass self love and search for love from others first, […]

Practice Daily Self Care

Practice daily self care as an essential way to honor your body, your mind, your emotions and to honor your spirit. It is imperative that you practice daily self care in order to live a balanced life. We are spirit beings in physical form and we need to take good care of ourselves on all […]

Handing Everything Over to God

Handing everything over to God in the moment is a powerful jewel for self discovery. It is a conscious act of letting go of control and letting God be in charge of all of our affairs. It takes awareness, strength and courage to get to the place of putting our lives and our problems in Spirit’s hands […]

Using Gratitude to Change Your Attitude

  Using gratitude to change your attitude is such a simple and very effective jewel for self discovery. What we focus on we create more of because energy follows awareness. Using gratitude to change your attitude works by switching your focus from what is not working to what you are grateful for in your life. […]

Gifts of the Sacred Feminine

  The gifts of the Sacred Feminine are like jewels for the soul. These qualities give strength and fluidity to the nurturing vibration of the Divine Feminine in each of us. The Goddess is associated with Universal Motherhood, Holy Mother, Mother Earth and the Divine Self within.  In order to be whole we need to […]

Using Affirmations

  Affirmations are positive statements of truth. We all know truth as it resonates within us. Through our thoughts we are always creating. So let’s remember to create consciously by using affirmations. What we focus on we create more of since energy flows from intention. Using affirmations assists us in specifically focusing our intention on […]