Meditation is a powerful jewel for self discovery in your spiritual jewel box. It is the first step in your spiritual quest for God consciousness. Through simple meditation techniques you can learn to get centered and let go of your thoughts and worries. In doing so you tap into your own spirit, your own energy and awareness of your […]
Prayers for Protection
Prayers for Protection are spiritual insurance for our family, friends and self. There is no fee to pay for this kind of insurance. All you need to do is surrender, have faith, trust in your Higher Power, and simply speak to God. Praying is talking to God. You can say a standard prayer, create a […]
Honor Your Mind
Honor your mind first by acknowledging how powerful the mind is. This is another jewel for self discovery. We are not our minds. We are spirit in physical form with a magnificent tool, our mind. The mind is best used for creating our life with intention and purpose in union with the Divine. Honor […]
Daily Prayers
Daily Prayers are an important part of our spiritual practice. When we pray we are talking to God while meditation is listening to God. Daily prayers help us to honor our spirit by consciously aligning with the Source within us through the direct communication of prayer. There are many ways to pray. Daily prayers can include repeating […]
Kwan Yin
Kwan Yin is the Sacred Feminine Buddhist Goddess of love, compassion and mercy. She is also called the Mother of all Buddhas and the Chinese Divine Mother. Kwan Yin’s qualities of unconditional love, compassion and mercy are sought after by spiritual seekers and people in need from different spiritual paths, religions and cultures around the […]
Honor Your Body
Lumina Dei Newsletter January 2011 Dear friends, Honor your body especially now that we are celebrating spring. After the usual excesses of the winter season it is time to get back to our routine and daily practices to bring more balance in our body and in our lives. Moderation […]
Affirmations for New Year’s Resolutions
Affirmations for New Year’s resolutions are a simple yet powerful jewel for self discovery. Jewels glisten in the light, sparkle with excitement and enhance the beauty of our being. This jewel for self discovery will serve that purpose and more. Add affirmations to your spiritual jewel box to use on a regular basis to help you create your New Year’s resolutions […]
Surrendering to Spirit in the moment is a powerful jewel for self discovery. It is a conscious act of letting go of control and letting God be in charge of all our affairs. It takes awareness, strength and courage to get to the place of putting our lives and our problems in Spirit’s hands on a […]
Divine Mother
Divine Mother is the embodiment of the Sacred Feminine energy. In the Roman Catholic Church the Divine Mother is Mary, the mother of Jesus, also known as the Blessed Mother. Divine Mother Mary’s qualities are unconditional love, compassion, mercy, strength, patience, forgiveness with accessibility to all in need. As a child I was raised […]
Self Care for Caregivers
Self care and self love go hand in hand. Whether you are a relative, friend, professional caregiver, therapist or healer it is imperative that you practice positive, healthy self care. Giving to others begins with giving to yourself first as an act of self love. Self care for caregivers is essential. Your body, mind, emotions […]