Guidelines for Reiki Healing

  These guidelines for Reiki healing serve the healer and the client both. As a Reiki healer it is important to use many jewels for self discovery in order to be an effective channel of healing energy. You can use these guidelines for Reiki healing to assist you no matter what modality you use to […]

Spirit of Christmas

Lumina Dei Newsletter December 2010 Dear friends, What does the Spirit of Christmas mean to you? What is the true essence of this holy season? How do you want to celebrate the holidays from your authentic self? It is not just about shopping for gifts for your loved ones. Spirit of Christmas doesn’t mean going […]

Self Love

  Self love is another Jewel for Self Discovery. Love is a powerful energy that is within us and all around us. God is love and love is the only reality. “Love, love, love thyself.” Channeled by Maureen Self love is essential for us to live as the spirit beings that we are, having a […]

Healing Power of Touch

  Healing Power of Touch Healing Power of Touch is the second of several articles on Reiki Healing. My intention is to show how powerful this ancient Japanese energy medicine is as a hands-on healing tool for facilitating balance and wholeness in the body. As a Reiki Master Healer and Intuitive Reader these Reiki Healing case […]

Thanksgiving and Gratitude

Lumina Dei Newsletter        November 2010 Dear Friends,   Thanksgiving and gratitude are words we use interchangeably as we begin the month of November. For many of us thanksgiving reminds us of family visits and turkey dinners with loved ones. It is the beginning of the holiday season that takes us through to […]


  Forgiveness is another tool or jewel for self discovery. The Oxford English dictionary defines forgiveness as such: “to grant free pardon and to give up all claim on account of an offense or debt.” Forgiveness is also about letting go of resentment, anger, bitterness, limiting beliefs and vengeful thinking. “To forgive is to set […]

Using Your Psychic Abilities – Trusting Your Intuition

Using Your Psychic Abilities I am sharing personal stories about the power trusting your intuition. Using your psychic abilities – trusting your intuition is about knowing that we are all intuitive. Our intuition always guides us to what is best for us. Trust that truth. With intention, inner silence, listening, trusting and following the guidance […]

Healing Effects of Drumming

Healing effects of drumming are bountiful. Drum circles have existed for thousands of years. Healers and shamans around the world have used this jewel for self discovery to bring about healing for the body, mind, emotion and spirit. All you need is a drum, your hands and a willingness to express your inner rhythm as […]


Gratitude is another article under the category of Jewels – Spiritual Tools for Self Discovery. Gratitude is appreciation, thankfulness, acknowledgement. It also means recognition, rendering credit and praise to another. Gratitude is expressed in French by the word “merci,” in Spanish “gracias,” in Italian “grazie,” and in German it is “danke.” Folded hands with palms […]

Sacred Feminine – Qualities of the Divine Feminine Goddess

 In this series of posts about the Sacred Feminine we will be acknowledging the various qualities of the Divine Feminine Goddess. The Sacred Feminine – qualities of the Divine Feminine Goddess is associated with Universal Motherhood, Holy Mother, Mother Earth and the Divine Self within. In order to be whole we need to balance the […]