Stop Obsessive Thoughts Now

How do we stop obsessive thoughts now? First we need to name those exaggerated, overwhelming thoughts that are usually based on fear. As a result of a close family member’s addiction I struggled with obsessive thoughts two years ago. The thoughts were rooted in the fear that my loved one would die of the addiction. I would picture him […]

Collaboration in Spirit Center October Calendar of Events

Collaboration in Spirit Center October Calendar of Events “Relax in the Catskill Mountains on sacred land. Feel centered and nurtured as you journey within.”  Maureen Brennan Mercier Wed October 9: Spiritual Salon w Maureen  7-8:30 PM $20 Guided meditation, Healing With The Masters, channeled guidance for group, personal question answered Wed October 16: Spiritual Salon […]

“Collaboration In Spirit” CD Sample

“Collaboration In Spirit” CD sample is available on my website. Just click on the link below to go to Meditation CD page to hear a sample of all five tracks.  It has been a wonderful co-creative process birthing this beautiful meditation CD with the creative musical genius Ferenz Kallos. Each time I listen to “Collaboration In Spirit” I feel my […]

Meditation and CD Signing at Inquiring Minds Bookstore

Meditation and CD Signing at Inquiring Minds Bookstore on the corner of Main and Partition St, Saugerties, NY 12477 will be on Saturday September 21. Please join us at 3 PM for this FREE event. My meditation CD “Collaboration in Spirit” will be available for purchase for $17 and I will sign it for you. During […]

International Day of Peace Meditation

International Day of Peace is also known as World Peace Day. It was made official by the United Nations (UN) in 1981. Several nations, political groups, military groups, and spiritual groups observe International Day of Peace each year in September. This year it is on September 21. Come join us at Collaboration in Spirit Center, Saugerties, NY […]

Spiritual Salon with Maureen

Spiritual Salon with Maureen is the new name for my Open Channel Sessions. The title was suggested recently by Audrey one of the owners of Mirabai of Woodstock. I have been looking for a new title for the meditation groups that I have been doing for almost 30 years. A spiritual salon is a small […]

Linda Chasteen Interviewed Me for Intention Radio

Linda Chasteen interviewed me for Intention Radio recently. The title for the show that aired Aug. 23 is: The Art of Modern Surrender…Letting Go and Letting Intuition Flow As an interviewer Linda Chasteen brings out the best in the person she is interviewing. She certainly brought out the best in me I must say. Linda […]

Collaboration in Spirit September Calendar of Events

Collaboration in Spirit Center  September Calendar of Events “Relax in the Catskill Mountains on sacred land. Feel centered and nurtured as you journey within.”  Maureen Brennan Mercier Thurs September 5: Spiritual Salon w Maureen  7-8:30 PM $20 Guided meditation, New Moon Intentions, channeled guidance for group, personal question answered Thurs September 12: Spiritual Salon w […]

Maureen available for Intuitive Readings

Intuitive Readings with me by phone or in person are based on your questions. The specific questions help us both to focus our intention on what you want guidance for in your life. At the beginning of the Intuitive Reading I go into a meditative state. Then I pray and ask Spirit to allow me to be a clear and […]

Grieving for a Loved One

It has been two years since my dear friend Debbie passed. I wrote this article about her two years ago, just 13 hours before she departed. In her honor and for those of you who are grieving, I publish this article again. The journey of grieving for a loved one has begun for me. It all began […]