Reiki Distance Healing Circle EastWest Bookshop 6500 Roosevelt Way NE Seattle, WA 98115 Thursday September 13 @ 4PM PST facilitated by: Maureen Brennan Mercier FREE It doesn’t matter whether you are trained in Reiki I, Reiki II, Reiki III or if you have no experience at all with Reiki Healing. All are welcome to attend […]
Blue Moon
The full moon on Friday August 31 is the second one this month making it a Blue Moon. The second full moon in a month is called a Blue Moon. The moon doesn’t look blue. It’s name has nothing to do with it’s actual color. The last Blue Moon was December 31, 2009. It happens every […]
Kindness involves the quality of being warm-hearted, considerate, compassionate and gracious. It is the willingness to do good, kindly acts to help others in need. The source of kindness is an inherent benevolent nature that expresses sympathy and gentleness toward others. It comes naturally from an open heart that is concerned for the well being of others. We […]
Let’s Meditate!
Let’s meditate! Meditation is a powerful jewel for self discovery in our spiritual jewel box. It is the first step in our spiritual quest for God consciousness. Through simple meditation techniques we can learn to get centered and let go of our thoughts. In doing so we tap into our own energy and awareness of our Divine self. Meditation is […]
Soulful Friends
Soulful friends are one of the most powerful assets a human being could have. Life is challenging on this planet. With loving friends who have our back we know that we are not alone in the world. When we have soulful friends we have a built in support system to help us along the way especially […]
Having Hope
Having hope is a challenge at times and an opportunity both. When I think about what hope means I need to take a deep breath and go quietly inside to find the definition. The words that come to me are “keep on keeping on” which begin to define hope. Having hope is about being present to the moment […]
Grieving for a Loved One
It has been a year since my dear friend Debbie passed. I wrote this article about her last year just 13 hours before she departed. In her honor and for those of you who are grieving, I publish this article again. The journey of grieving for a loved one has begun for me. It all began […]
In The Void
In the void is the place of not knowing. The past is over and the new has not arrived yet. The void is a blank canvas or fertile ground ready for us to plant the seeds of our creation. When we are in the void it is a challenging yet fruitful place to be. Are […]
Intuition – the Voice Within
Intuition – the Voice Within is the wisdom from our Divine self. We are all intuitive beings. Intuition is a natural ability from Source that we are able to tap into. It is available to assist us in living our life more consciously with intention and fulfillment. Intuition is also called the sixth sense, psychic ability or gut feeling […]
Qualities of the Sacred Feminine
The qualities of the Sacred Feminine is associated with Universal Motherhood, Holy Mother, Mother Earth, the Divine Feminine Goddess and the Divine Self within. The qualities of the Sacred Feminine are numerous. Some of them are unconditional love, compassion, wisdom, beauty, gentleness, patience, accepting, forgiving, nurturing, welcoming, accessible, kind, intuitive and healing are carried by […]