How to heal a broken heart is a multifaceted process that takes patience. The first step is to accept that our heart is broken. Whether it is through the death of a loved one, a relationship ending or a betrayal in a close relationship the broken heart will heal when we focus on that intention. Once you […]
Manifest in the World
Manifest in the world knowing that you are a Divine being of love and light. Our birthright is to manifest our spirit through our words, actions and our work in the world – our service to humanity. In order to manifest in the world we need to surrender to God. Then our ego is out of the way and […]
Love Thyself
Love thyself is another way to say self love. Love is a powerful energy that is within us and all around us. God is love and love is the only reality. “Love, love, love thyself.” Channeled by Maureen Self love or love thyself is essential for us to live as the spirit beings that we are, having a […]
Our Daily Prayers
Our daily prayers are an important part of our spiritual practice. When we pray we are talking to God while meditation is listening to God. Prayers help us to honor our spirit by consciously aligning with the Source within us through the direct communication of prayer. There are many ways to pray. Our daily prayers can include repeating […]
Enjoy the Summer
Lumina Dei Newsletter July 2012 Dear Friend, It’s time to enjoy the Summer. What are you waiting for? Life is here and now. This is not a dress rehearsal. Get out and have some fun. In my life I have had so many challenges and I have lost so many loved ones. […]
Letting Go and Allowing God
Letting go and allowing God is a powerful intention that reminds me to surrender to Source. It may seem like a simple message but it isn’t easy to live it. It helps to bring awareness to the intention of letting go and allowing God. Moment to moment each day I need to remember this simple jewel for […]
Reiki Self Healing
Reiki Self Healing is just what the healer ordered to begin the healing process. It is easy and simple to do. You can lie down, sit up, be at home or just about anywhere. All you need is your hands and at least a Reiki I certification which includes an attunement and class instructions. Whether you […]
After Surgery Healing
After Surgery Healing starts by slowing it all down in our daily life. Healing is a process that takes time and patience. It is important to be able to receive while our body is getting back to wholeness. My surgery, of the feminine kind, was last week and all went well. I am home now slowly […]
Prepare for Surgery with Self Care
Prepare for surgery with self care. Self care and self love go hand in hand. Giving to yourself first is an act of self love. This is important in order to increase your body’s ability to heal from surgery. Prepare for surgery with self care. It is essential. Your body, mind, emotions and spirit need to be […]
Happy Father’s Day!
Lumina Dei Newsletter June 2012 Dear Friend, Happy Father’s Day to all of you fathers today. Whether you are called Dad, Daddy, Pop, Poppa, Poppy, Father, Pappy, just know that you are loved and needed. We honor you today on Father’s Day. Today I am grateful to my dad on the other side for […]