Happy Valentine’s Day – Love Yourself!

Happy Valentine’s Day – love yourself. It’s a good day to remember to love and care for yourself. Love is a powerful energy that is within us and all around us. God is love. Love yourself for it is an essential component in living a spiritual life. When we by-pass self love and search for love from others first, […]

Still Small Voice

  The still small voice is within us always there, ready to be of service to us in the moment. God/Goddess guides us to truth, to what is best for us through that inner voice. Ask for what you want with passion. Be quiet as you listen within for the answer from the still small voice. […]

Path of Devotion

The universe is multidimentional and multifaceted. There is one Source and many spiritual paths. We each have a path that resonates with us internally. Mine is the path of devotion to the Sacred Feminine Goddess. In Sanskrit Bhakti Yoga is the path of devotion. Sri Krishna teaches that the easiest path to God/Goddess consciousness is […]

Kwan Yin, Goddess of Love and Compassion

  Kwan Yin, Goddess of love and compassion carries the qualities of the Sacred Feminine. She is also called the Mother of all Buddhas and the Chinese Divine Mother. Kwan Yin’s qualities of unconditional love and compassion are sought after by spiritual seekers and people in need around the world. These qualities are the same qualities […]

Remember our Daily Prayers

  Remember our daily prayers as they are an important part of our spiritual practice. When we pray we are talking to God while meditation is listening to God. Daily prayers help us to honor our spirit by consciously aligning with the Source within us through the direct communication of prayer. There are many ways to pray. […]

Our Essence is LOVE

Our essence is LOVE. God is LOVE. We, being the children of God means that we are LOVE made manifest in flesh. . We are here to live LOVE unconditionally in every moment. This is quite a challenge for us as humans here on earth. In order to meet this challenge it is important to balance our body, […]

Intuitive Reading 1/2 off Special for February 2012!

I invite you, new clients only, to take advantage of my Intuitive Reading 1/2 off Special for February 2012! For a limited time only, for the month of February 2012, I am offering a 60 minute Intuitive Reading for $50 which is half off my regular rate. You can call now to schedule your phone session for February […]

Spiritually Parenting Our Children

Spiritual parenting our children is grounded in the intention to love, support and guide our children to what is best for them on all levels – body, mind, emotion and spirit. Our children come through us, divinely created with the grace of Goddess. Spiritual parenting our children is about remembering we cannot hold onto our children nor […]

Self Care

  Lumina Dei Newsletter  January 2012 Dear Friend, Self care and self love go hand in hand. As we begin the New Year 2012 it is important to practice positive, healthy self care by balancing body, mind, emotion, spirit. Self care is essential. Your body, mind, emotions and spirit need to be treated with loving attention […]

Channeled Message for January 2012

Channeled Message for January 2012 is here and I would like to share it with you. “Remember who you are: Divine beings of Love and Light. You are in the process of ascending to the 5th dimension. You are giving birth to yourself, becoming who you really are – Love and Light in physical form. […]