Walking around Green Lake in Seattle

  Walking around Green Lake in Seattle is a wonderful way to get exercise, feel grounded in the earth, connect with Goddess Gaia and meditate. As a meditation walking around Green Lake really works as the water is soothing to focus on. The lush green of the trees, grass, shrubs and the brilliant colors of […]

Honor Goddess Gaia

Honor Goddess Gaia as the earth goddess that she is, according to the ancient Greek religion. She is a living being who loves and nurtures us organically in so many ways. All that we need to do is receive her loving mother energy that she so freely shares with us all on planet earth. When we […]

Traveling Across the US

Traveling across the US has been an old dream of mine for quite some time. Just recently I had the opportunity to experience Divine Creating at it’s best by fulfilling that almost forgotten dream. On Sunday July 3 my daughter and I completed the four day trip across this beautiful country from Saugerties, New York […]

Practice the Daily Practices

Practice the daily practices on a regular basis to support yourself on the spiritual path. Our spiritual path is a journey of the soul where you need to have essentials in order to traverse the trail with ease. Practice the daily practices beginning with the breath, prana or life force energy. Begin your day by taking […]

Breathing in Healing Energy

Breathing in healing energy is a very simple and basic jewel for your jewel box. It can be done anywhere, any time throughout the day as a part of your daily practice. It is a powerful tool in the grieving process as well. The breath or prana is the life force energy. As you consciously […]

Healing the Broken Heart

Healing the broken heart is a multifaceted process that takes patience and self care. The first step is to acknowledge that indeed our heart is broken whether it is through the death of a loved one, a relationship ending or a betrayal in a close relationship. Once you acknowledge the pain and embrace the experience […]

Channeled Message for June

Lumina Dei Newsletter       June 2011 Dear friends, Happy Summer Solstice!! This is a Channeled Message for June that I received and I would like to share it with you. “The past is over. Set yourself free from the self-imposed ties that bind you and keep your spirit imprisoned. You have the sacred […]

“When going through hell keep going.” Winston Churchill

“When  going through hell keep going.” Winston Churchill When I first heard this quote by Churchill I laughed. After thinking about his words I realized that he was making an important point that resonated with me. When going through hell keep going reminds me to not get stuck in the pain and searing fire of a […]

Using Imagery for Healing

Using imagery for healing is a simple way to relieve stress, ease pain in the body and co-create in the world. Imaginal exercises are very simple. They take only a few minutes and are very powerful jewels for self discovery. Our mind is a powerful tool to create in the world. We create through our […]

Gratitude in the Midst of Chaos

Gratitude in the midst of chaos is possible when you remember to look for the silver lining in the dark clouds of upheaval. It is a way through the storm to stillness and peace. When you find yourself entrenched in a difficult situation take out your spiritual jewel box. Reach for gratitude in the midst […]