Channeled Message for May

Dear friend, This is a Channeled Message for May that I received and I would like to share it with you. “Be who you truly are: perfectly human and perfectly Divine. For it is in the knowingness of the truth of your being that you are set free from the endless cycle of duality. From the […]

Intuitive Reading and Reiki Healing 1/2 off Special

I invite you to take advantage of my Intuitive Reading and Reiki Healing 1/2 off Special! For a limited time only, I am offering a 50 minute Channeled Reading and a 10 minute Reiki Healing for $50 which is half of my regular rate. For more than 28 years I have been helping many people […]

Grounding in the Earth

Grounding in the Earth each day is an important part of our daily practice as a jewel for self discovery. We are spirit having a human experience on planet earth. Our divinity is expressed through our bodies in the material plane and as a part of Divine Creating. In order to be fully present we […]

Be In The Moment

Be in the moment means staying present in the here and now. The past is over, there is no future. The only moment that exists is the now moment. When you are going through a challenging time it is best to be in the moment. Our rational mind tries to come up with the solution. […]

Spiritual Parenting

Lumina Dei Newsletter     May 2011 Dear friend, Spiritual parenting is based on the intention to love, support and guide our children to what is best for them on all levels – body, mind, emotion and spirit. We divinely create these beautiful beings with Goddess’s grace, birthing them into the world. Loving my three […]

Honor The Divine Mother

  Honor the Divine Mother as she is the embodiment of the Sacred Feminine energy. The Divine Mother‘s qualities are unconditional love, compassion, mercy, strength, patience, forgiveness and accessibility to all in need. The Divine Mother Mary was a natural part of my life growing up as a Catholic. Both of my parents respected and loved the Divine Mother […]

Create In The World

Create in the world knowing that you are a Divine being of love and light. Our birthright is to manifest our spirit through our words, actions and our work in the world, service to humanity. In order to create in the world we need to surrender to God. Then our ego is out of the […]

Working The Miracle

  Working the miracle is about asking for what we want, surrendering to God and taking action in the world. The Universe has our back, so to speak, by loving and supporting us in creating our highest good. The key is to trust that truth, let go and put forth action in the world in […]

Feel The Inner Joy

Feel the inner joy when it arises from within you. It can be experienced as the result of an experience in the world that inspires happiness. It can also occur for no apparent reason at all. Recently I have had many experiences where I feel the inner joy for no apparent reason. I paused in […]

Your Intuition Is Unlimited

Your intuition is unlimited as God speaks to you through the inner voice or intuition. In the silence you are able to hear the guidance when you still the mind. God is unlimited, therefore your intuition is unlimited. You are a child of Goddess who has access to spirit’s wisdom. Your higher power always guides you to […]