Trust Self, Trust the Divine

Trust self, trust the Divine who lies within us. We are the sons and daughters of the Universe. Our essence is love. Full access to wisdom is our birthright. The key to those treasure is in our ability to trust self, trust the Divine. The way within is not through logic and the rational mind. […]

“Collaboration In Spirit”

   “Collaboration In Spirit” Meditation CD. For quite some time I felt strongly guided to create a meditation CD. What a huge project this would be, I thought, and where do I begin? Having no experience whatsoever with creating a CD I relied solely on my connection with Goddess and her benevolent guidance. Knowing the creative […]

Co-Create in the World

Co-create in the world knowing that you are a Divine being of love and light. Our birthright is to manifest our spirit through our words, actions and our work in the world – our service to humanity. In order to co-create in the world we need to surrender to God. When we let go and let God our ego […]

Healing our Heart

Healing our heart is a multifaceted process that takes patience. The first step is to acknowledge that our heart is broken. Whether it is through the death of a loved one, a relationship ending or a betrayal in a close relationship the broken heart will heal. Once we accept the pain and embrace the experience the process […]

Intuitive Reading 1/2 off Special!

Call now to set up your appointment with me for your session during my Intuitive Reading 1/2 off Special! For a limited time only, from January 10-February 15, 2013, I am offering a 1 hour Intuitive Reading 1/2 off Special for $50 which is half off my regular rate. Call 845-706-HEAL(4325) to set up your 1 hour session […]

New Beginnings 2013

New Beginnings 2013 are here now as we celebrate the New Year. Let’s start on a positive note for this new cycle in our life on planet Earth. Everyday is a new day, a new opportunity to begin again. In order to do so you need to let go of yesterday, the past as you embrace new […]

Forgiving Self

Forgiving self is a simple yet powerful jewel for self discovery. The act of self forgiveness helps us to let go of the past. This is essential as we enter our new beginnings in the year 2013. The Oxford English dictionary defines forgiveness as such: “to grant free pardon and to give up all claim on account of […]

Affirmations for New Year 2013

Affirmations for New Year 2013 are a powerful yet simple way to begin the New Year. The past is over. We have already entered a new beginning here on the new Earth. These affirmations for New Year 2013 will help to support the powerful changes that we are co-creating now as we enter 2013. Affirmations […]

Melt into the Arms of Goddess

On the Winter Solstice 2012 I would like to share this Channeled Message that I recently received. It expresses the return to our heart energy and the Sacred Divine Feminine. We are who we have been waiting for. This is a new beginning for all of humanity where the Divine Goddess leads us within our […]

All We Need is LOVE

All we need is love. Yes it can be that simple. Love is the only reality. Our hearts know this to be true. The ego just doesn’t get it. That’s alright for truth is more powerful than the ego. Our hearts contain all the wisdom of our experiences and of the universe. All we need […]