“What’s it all about? Why are we here?” I would ask myself as a quiet little kid growing up with 4 older brothers as the only girl in our family in the Bronx, NY. Instinctively I knew to not ask that question out loud because everyone around me seemed to know what they were doing […]
Things My Mom Taught Me
As I get older I have more of an appreciation for my mom who passed over 21 years ago. This article is dedicated to her as I remember the things my mom taught me. She carried the qualities of the Sacred Feminine. My mother didn’t teach me in a direct way. In fact the day […]
Forgiveness Sets Us Free
Lumina Dei Newsletter October 2011 Dear friends, The Oxford English dictionary defines forgiveness as such: “to grant free pardon and to give up all claim on account of an offense or debt.” It is also about letting go of resentment, anger, bitterness, limiting beliefs and vengeful thinking. Tolerating unacceptable behavior hurts all of us. We can have forgiveness for […]
Gangaji – “Silent Awareness is Alive in You.”
Gangaji is a modern day spiritual teacher who shares a simple yet profound message for humanity. “Silent awareness is alive in you.” Gangaji travels all over the world sharing her message with seekers of truth. She is a teacher and author who speaks and writes about her personal experience of the teachings she received from Papaji, her […]
Channeled Message for October 2011
This is the Channeled Message for October 2011 that I just received for all of you beloved beings, my brothers and sisters in light. “Open, open to the TRUTH of your being. You are LOVE made manifest in flesh. You are the sons and daughters of the Divine. Your birthright is to live in FREEDOM, […]
Occupy Seattle – Voices of Freedom
Occupy Seattle is an extension of Occupy Wall Street protests in New York City and other cities across the country. It is happening right now in downtown Seattle at Westlake Park on Pine St. and 4 Ave. where We The People are expressing our voices of freedom. Occupy Seattle started late last month at the downtown federal building […]
Intuitive Readings 1/2 off Special!
I invite you to take advantage of my Intuitive Reading 1/2 off Special! For a limited time only, for the month of October 2011, I am offering a 60 minute Intuitive Reading for $50 which is half of my regular rate. For more than 28 years I have been helping many people from all walks […]
Intuition Always Guides Us to What is Best For Us
Our intuition always guides us to what is best for us. This truth I believe as I trust in God who loves us unconditionally. Our intuition is the still small voice of Goddess within that always guides us to what is best for us. In other words, God has our back and wants us to […]
Sacred Feminine Sisters
Sacred Feminine Sisters are those friends who see us, love and accept us for who we are. They are our people who we can relax and be ourselves with. Nurturing and healing our hearts are what our Sacred Feminine Sisters do with ease when we are together. Even when we are apart it helps to […]
Autumn Equinox
Autumn Equinox is a powerful time when there is a balance between day and night, light and darkness. As we enter the sign of Libra we are also reminded of the scales symbolic of that balance. The time to focus inward connecting to our soul is now during the Autumn Equinox. This inner journey continues […]