Mother’s Heart

A mother’s heart is a multifaceted deep cavern of unconditional love. Her Sacred Feminine heart holds a full spectrum of experiences, emotions, memories and hope. From the moment of conception of a child a mother’s heart knows, really knows that she is not alone on this planet. The Divine Feminine exists and channels through us, […]

Keeping Hope Alive

  Keeping hope alive is a challenge at times and an opportunity both. When I think about what hope means I need to take a deep breath and go quietly inside to find the definition. The words that come to me are “keep on keeping on” which begin to define hope. Keeping hope alive is […]

Grieving for a Dying Friend

  The journey of grieving for a dying friend has begun for me. It all began early last month when I heard that my friend Debbie’s cancer had returned. Another friend Chris and I went to see her soon after she had a series of tests done. We were startled by how weak Deb had […]

Living with Pain

Lumina Dei Newsletter    August 2011 Dear friends, Living with pain is quite a challenge for each of us on this planet. None of us are exempt from experiencing pain whether it is in the body, mind, emotional body or spirit. It matters not whether you are poor, rich or middle class for pain is […]

Treasures of Ashland, OR

  The treasures of Ashland, Oregon include the beauty of Goddess Gaia, the creativity of the many theatre companies and the numerous recreational activities. My friend Chris and I recently drove 8 hours from Seattle, WA on I5 to the southern Oregon town for our friend Jayne and Ian’s wedding. This was my second trip […]

Channeled Message for August

  A Channeled Message for August was given to me and I would like to share it with you. “Be all that you can be. Not only on the human level, also on the spiritual level. Be fully in your humanity as well as your Divinity. You are spirit in a body, which is your […]

Express Your Creativity

Express your creativity by first acknowledging that you are a Divine being of love and light. The Goddess is within you whether you are woman or man. That natural vibration of the Sacred Feminine is creativity itself. So many of my clients feel that they are not creative at all. Yes you are creative. Simply […]

Drumming at Green Lake

Drumming at Green Lake is such a wonderful experience. All of nature surrounds me as I sit close to the water, trees, birds, ducks, water lilies, turtles and a lone crane. Having no formal training in drumming and being a little shy, I prefer to go drumming at Green Lake away from the busy crowd […]

Channeled Message for July

  A Channeled Message for July was given to me and I would like to share it with you. “Respect yourself and all of life. In order to respect yourself you need to have self love, holding self in high esteem. This has nothing to do with the ego which is the false self. When […]

Mother Mary’s Words of Wisdom

Lumina Dei Newsletter  July 2011 Dear friends, Before I write a newsletter or an article I pray to the Divine for inspiration through my intuition. As I was preparing to write this month’s newsletter I kept hearing the words of an old Beatle’s song. My writing session kept getting interrupted and each time I went […]