Practice the Spiritual Practices Classes with Maureen is a 10 week series of classes focused on the basic spiritual practices that support you on your path. The classes are a powerful way to begin spiritual practices or to get back on track daily. We begin each class with a prayer to set our intention. Then we do […]
Finding our Place of Peace Inside
Finding our Place of Peace Inside It is easy to have hope when our life is humming along nicely. The challenge is to have hope even when our heart is crushed and the rug has been pulled out from under us in an instant. It is hard to have hope when there are natural disasters […]
Healing the Broken Heart
Healing the broken heart is a process that takes patience and self love. The first step is to acknowledge that our heart is broken whether it is through the death of a loved one, a relationship ending or a betrayal in a close relationship. Once you acknowledge the pain and embrace the experience healing the […]
Loving Ourselves Completely
Loving ourselves completely is an important practice on our journey of the soul. In my Practice the Spiritual Practices Classes Self Love is Class #3. Loving ourselves completely is an essential component for us to live as spirit beings in human form. When we by-pass self love and search for love from others first, we hinder our […]
My New Year’s Resolution – Love Self More
New Year’s Resolution – love self more feels so empowering and simple. What a concept. I feel lighter and more excited now about the New Year and new possibilities. In the past I would have a long list of New Year’s resolutions to be implemented at the start of the year. By the end of […]
Practice the Practices Classes
Practice the Practices Classes with Maureen (formerly called “Into the Mystic Classes”) is available for this Fall. The 10 week series is focused on the basic spiritual practices that support you on your path. The classes are a powerful way to get begin spiritual practice or to get back on track daily. We begin each class with […]
Self Love
Self love is essential. It is class #3 of Maureen and her Magic Mystic Tour of classes on spiritual practice. Love is a powerful energy that is within us and all around us. God is love and love is the only reality. Self love is essential for us to live as the spirit beings that […]
New Year Resolution – Love Self More
My New Year Resolution – love self more feels so empowering and simple. What a concept. I feel lighter and more excited now about the New Year and new possibilities. In the past I would have a long list of New Year resolutions to be implemented at the start of the year. By the end […]
Surrender to God/ Goddess
Surrendering to God/Goddess is a conscious act of letting go of control and letting God be in charge of all our affairs. It takes awareness, strength and courage to get to the place of putting our lives and our problems in Spirit’s hands on a daily basis, sometimes moment to moment. Often when we are exhausted from trying […]